Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Evidence For Hominid Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evidence For Hominid Evolution - Essay Example This was the probable lifestyle of early man. Scientifically, nearly 98% of human genes and chimpanzees are identical showing the biological closeness to humans. The cardinal difference between the two is the human brain size that is larger and complex. This makes man to communicate through speech, walk upright among others (Ruse, p.23). About five million years ago, australopithecines evolved from the apes. It had small canine and was bipedal. This was the earliest human species. There were two major australopithecine groups; robust and gracile. The main difference was the jaw and teeth size. From australopithecine, the next probable evolution was the Homo habilis. This represented the modern man and Louis and Mary Leaky in Tanzania found the evidence. The primate was bipedal, upright and would use forearm to handle tools and weapons. It had increased brain size than the former and climbed ability suppressed. They had opposable thumbs (Ruse, p.43). From the Homo habilis, there came the Homo ergaster that led to Homo erectus. This then led to Homo sapiens. The changes in the humans also showed changes in other primates such as the Chimpanzee. However the primary characters of the family bond, use of hand remained. The Chimpanzees just like humans are in the ape family. The differences in brain size, fur and eyes demonstrate the evolution that has occurred. Many similarities point to a similar origin. The similarities include the family bonding, the use of facial gestures such as surprise and comfort, omnivorous in nature, bipedal (Ruse, p.69). Neolithic revolution lead to a widespread change in human lifestyle from the era of hunting and gathering to agriculture and settlement era. This enabled the humans support the fast growing population. This Neolithic revolution has led to improved health and longevity as well as morbidity. With Neolithic

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Napoleon Bonaparte and Toussaint L Ouverture

Napoleon Bonaparte and Toussaint L Ouverture There have been many important leaders throughout history that have affected our society. Two important leaders in history are Napoleon Bonaparte and Toussaint L Ouverture. Toussaint had a major impact on Haiti in 1791 and Napoleon on France in 1799. One situation that Napoleon Bonaparte attempted to change was an unstable society in France. When King Louis XVI became king, chaos and disorder swept throughout France. There was a bad government. King Louis XVI as well as the kings before him ruled under an absolute monarchy. He thought he received power from god, therefore no one questioned him. This allowed them to choose who to tax, how much money to spend, laws, or who to imprison. They had the power to do anything. King Louis XVI became in a huge debt from spending money on luxuries and his own needs especially on his palace of Versailles. He only taxed the third estate. They had the least amount of money. He gave the most important jobs to the noble and clergy. The social classes were not equal. King Louis XVI had ruled as a monarch for 72 years, and the people in France tolerated him for a long time. His decisions eventually caused France society to erode. One action Napoleon took to change this situation was to take control of France. In 1799 he began his task. In 1776 he was a general in the army of France. After winning many battles, he overthrows the Coup dà ©tat of directory and builds a strong centralized government without an absolute monarchy. He gains the title of first consul in 1799. In 1804 Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France. He produces a Napoleonic Code in 1804. This is a set of laws for all members of French society. Napoleonic code states social inequality, and no more special privileges. Everyone has the right to obtain any job based on their ability. There is equal taxation so the government could rely on a steady amount of money, religious toleration, and feudal rights were ended. He also established roads, canals, buildings and schools that focused on military values. The impact Napoleon had on France was significant. After the Reign of Terror in France, Napoleon took over to help control France. Under his power France becomes a huge empire. He becomes dictator of France by coup dà ©tat to overthrow the directory of France. People began to rely on him and his new laws after he wins battle after battle and soon becomes emperor in 1804. He became a hero of France and saved them from the debt and terrible laws that the king and Robespierre enforced. His empire extends through Eastern Europe as he takes over Spain. With each victory he gains, he brings nationalism to France and every nation. His empire soon reaches its greatest heights, and gains a lot of power. He has a lot of power that he can put his family members on the thrones of different countries. Even though he controls many places, he gains enemies too like Great Britain and Russia. Many people begin fearing his power. In 1812, the invasion of Russia is the beginning of the end for Napoleo n. It was the first major battle Napoleon had lost. He fled to Moscow, where he is attacked by the Russians and much of his army is destroyed. He is exiled to Elba in 1814, but decided to go back to France and try to win his country back. He loses the Battle of Waterloo in 1813 and is forced to surrender. Everyone has lost faith in their hero and he is exiled again and dies. In 1815 the Congress of Vienna took over to decide what to do with France. They were all foreign leaders and decided to strengthen France by having an absolute monarch again. Louis XVIII becomes king till 1824, than his brother Charles took the thrown till 1830. In 1830, the second French Revolution occurs. One situation that Toussaint LOuverture attempted to change was to free the slaves from the whites in Haiti. Toussaint attempted to change the society the people in Haiti lived in. It was not equal. Before the island was called Haiti, it was called Saint- Dominique and was a rich European colony. It was the most important colony because it was the center of sugar production and 1/3 of all trade came from this island. On this island, there lived five hundred thousand black slaves. These slaves were controlled by white residents. The slaves outnumbered the white people, but the whites were at the top of the society and had more power over the slaves. They forced slaves to work on sugar plantations for many hours in brutal conditions. Whites provided slaves with no care that many of them died from working in brutal conditions. The whites only cared about money and getting work done. Slaves could not stand up for what they believed in because they had no rights or independence. This led many of them to run away into the mountains. One action Toussaint took to change this situation was to overthrow the white settlers. The white settlers abused the slaves. The slaves did not like this at all, having no freedoms. The slaves ran away to the mountains, they formed maroon societies. Here they planned on ways to attack the white settlers for freedom which led to a revolution. The slaves got the idea of a revolution from fighting in the American war of independence. Many slaves believed it was possible to defeat the whites. Toussaint inspired them to do this, and fight for independence. He brought all the talent and ideas together and planned for an attack on the whites. He was a skilled organizer and well educated. In 1793, he built a strong army and taught many people to become stronger fighters. In 1797, he led an army of twenty thousand slaves. He was well educated and forced the Spanish and British to leave Haiti. Toussaint did everything he could to help the slaves b e free. In 1802, Napoleon sent forty thousand troops to Haiti to stop the slaves. Toussaint tried to negotiate instead of fighting, but was arrested and jailed in France. He died shortly before the slaves were declared independence. The impact Toussaint LOuverture had on slaves around the world was significant. He was an enlightenment and intelligent thinker. He affected the lives of many slaves that thought freedom was never possible. Haiti was the first successful slave revolt that Toussaint had led. He made his army strong and able to see that independence for slaves was possible. His army defeated Napoleons troops, who was a great emperor and had soldiers with military experience. Haiti was the 2nd independent republic in western hemisphere. In 1801, Toussaint published a constitution that gave citizens of all races throughout Haiti equality. Slaves now had equal rights in Haiti and no longer had to live under brutal conditions. There was no more social class distinction that gave the whites more power. These revolutions caused many other slaves to realize it was possible to be free. He impacted the lives of slaves, especially their children who would not have to experience the brutal conditions their parent s went through. Many revolutions spread throughout the world; some were successful while others were not. Toussaint gave people who were suffering that one day they could be free. Even thought he was captured by France, the slaves never gave up and kept fighting. His great inspiration to slaves made them realize that slavery would not have to be their life forever. Napoleon Bonaparte and Toussaint L Ouverture have changed the lives of many people. They are leaders that many people have followed. Toussaint was a leader of a slave revolt, and Napoleon was an emperor of France. Many people looked up to them and impacted their lives. They are a big part of history that changed society.

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Best Friend Essay -- Friendship Essay Personal Narrative

My Best Friend   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was raining the day Mark Turner died. On a dark, rainy summer night, he foolishly got in the passenger side of a 1998 midnight blue Eclipse. His 19 year old cousin Sam, was the driver, and Sam had a little too much to drink that night. At about three in the morning, they were leaving a party that one of Sam's friends threw. They were rushing home, because they already had missed curfew by two hours. Not aware of his surroundings, Sam carelessly got on the wrong side of the road. A speeding pickup was heading right their way. By the time they saw the truck, it was too late. Sam swerved his car to the right. Although they missed hitting the truck by a few inches, the sleet on the road from the rain caused them to go over the rail of a bridge. They were over a 100 feet in the air. Sam died instantly from the impact of the paved concrete below, but their still was a little hope for Mark. Obviously not enough, because he was pronounced dead at approximately 5:38 that morning.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mark and I grew up in one of those small towns were everybody knew everybody. He lived just two houses down from me. Everything we did, we did together. He knew and understood me like no one else did. He was always there for me through thick and thin. He was the only person who I can say was my best friend. Whenever we got into a fight, I could never be mad at him for more than a day. . We were a team, like Batman and Robin, or Starsky and Hutch, we were blood brothers for li...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Everybody Hates Chris

â€Å"Everybody Hates Chris† I have watched Everybody Hates Chris ever since I was 10 years old and I still find it to be the best comedic television show on Nick at Night. When you have Chris Rock as the narrator, how can you not laugh? This show is considered to be one of the best shows on TV for family’s and younger children. It normally plays at 9:00 pm every weekday on Nick at Night. You can sometimes catch it weekdays around noon on B. E. T. I like having the show on at this time because on school nights it gives me something to relax to and laugh at.I love everything about this show because it has a common aspect to each episode, has many genres, and the characters are fun and easy to relate to. The main character of the TV show is named is Chris and every episode revolves around him and his family. Chris is a normal child who has a sister, brother, mother and father. They live together in NY, where they spend their days working and going to school just like any other family. He is the oldest child, so he is in charge of taking care of his younger siblings Drew and Tonya.While Chris is at school, he is the only black kid in his class so he gets picked on and judged all the time. Him and his best friend, Greg, are what you would call the nerds or losers in the class. His sharpness and character helps Chris throughout the show but he will have to go through many obstacles, at home and in school, in order to grow up. In every episode the plot is that Chris, the oldest child in the family, must make certain decisions and act upon helping the people he is surrounded by. Each episode he is given a certain task or problem he has to solve.The best part of the show is that no matter what Chris does in the end someone hates him for what he did. For example, in one episode he has to make $100 to pay back his dad for buying tickets to a concert. He lied to his dad that he needed books for the new job, which comes back to haunt him. The first thing he d oes was find a job, which happened to be at a funeral home. But of course Chris didn’t read the agreement he signed and didn’t see that he does not get paid in cash. Instead they give him money for books to learn more about the funeral home process.Then the day the concert arrives the manager makes Chris stay until he finishes all his work. Chris was left sitting and carving the caskets until the next day which meant he didn’t make the concert. He was okay with this because he learned something new and had a fun time with the manager. Never the less in the end he goes to receive his pay check to pay-back his dad and realizes it isn’t cash! â€Å"What is this, I thought I was getting paid, not a gift certificate for books! † explained Chris. â€Å"You mean you didn’t use my money for books when I gave you that $100! Chris’s dad screamed. â€Å"Well Chris you still owe me $100 dollars and are in a lot of trouble. † You can start to see the trend because in the end his dad is upset with him and he can never make everyone happy. This is where the different genres come into play because you have this comedy TV show that also has suspense and humorous drama. Some scenes can also dramatic relief and heartfelt ones. Most of the heartfelt scenes come when Chris’s mother explains the situation to him and helps him solve his problems.An example would be where she sat him down to talk about why he shouldn’t have skipped school. This plays a huge role in the reoccurring theme of Everybody Hates Chris. Every episode you can one hundred percent count on having the same theme, where Chris is given a problem and must find a way to solve it. Then you will have his parents and siblings argue with him or one another. His mother can be very outspoken at times! While his father, on the other hand, is more conscious about their money and how it affects him. His siblings like to get him trouble a lot and they succ eed at doing this.After all the action happens Chris will usually have a break through and solve his problem. Then he thinks he has done a good job and got away with whatever he did wrong. When in the end, all of the viewer’s know someone always makes that solution turn around and have them hate Chris. This TV show does an excellent job of portraying a typical family back in the day where you have three children; and normally the father would work two jobs with the expenses being so high. It is a great stereotypical family that will make your own family laugh at the things they do.Viewers find it humorous because they can relate to the jokes and activities Chris’s family pulls during the TV show. I know that I have related the show to my own family multiple times. This is a great family show that will let you relax and give you a few laughs to relieve all that stress. If you love to be with your family and laughing at comedy TV shows, I would recommend this show becaus e I believe it is the best one out there. Compared to today’s shows, Everybody Hates Chris, sticks to the family appropriate level and will have your family laughing for hours at a time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the Country

The advantages and disadvantages of living in the country Living in the countryside has a lot of advantages, but also many disadvantages. As the advantage we can consider the fact that the country is less polluted and the traffic isn't so heavy. You are fit and you don't need to worry about your health condition, because in the countryside the air and water are so clean. In the country there are many plant species. There aren't any huge blocks of flats, modern skyscrapers or bothersome traffic jams.In the country you are free to admire the breathtaking landscapes such as huge meadows, peaceful hills or forests. You can enjoy walking in the forest and picking mushrooms or hunting. Another advantage is that you may easily build a big house and the garden, because charges for ground are much lower than in the suburbs. Moreover, living in the countryside is cheaper than it is in the city, so you probably may afford many other things, because the prices are lower. What is more, you can in vite your friends to the barbecue organized in your garden.It would be great! The other positive side is the safety. In the rural area the crime rate is much lower. There aren't a lot of housebreaks and the possibility of burglary is also lower. In the countryside people usually and keep eyes on neighbour's estates. They always react when something strange is happening. Country life is very peaceful and silent. You will enjoy the feeling of peace. However, there are a lot of positive aspects of living in the country side, there are also some disadvantages.Living in the country is slower. People don't need to hurry and have a lot of time. People in the country don't have to work so many hours as they do in the city. On the other hand, they don't earn so much money. Moreover, there aren't such interesting things to do during free time. The unemployment rate is also much higher than in the city. The problem may be also the communication. If you don't have your own car, you may have pro blem how to commute to work.The same problem concerns the access to the hospitals, schools, police stations and shops, which are usually located far from the village. Last of all, there are some dangers connected with country life such as heavy snowfall or rainfall. To sum up, I think that living in the country may have a lot of advantages such as fresh air, breathtaking landscapes and comfort, but a lot of people decide to stay in the city, due to the fact that the life in the town is easier. The easy access to shops and other institutions are the great advantage.